In Part 2 of the series CI/CD on Kubernetes we set up cluster autoscaling for a dedicated Jenkins agent node pool
by utilizing the PodNodeSelector
and LimitRanger
admission controllers. In Part 3 of this CI/CD on Kubernetes series we will take advantage of another admission controller to scale-up the Jenkins agents node pool
before a new request for a Jenkins agent pod
requires the additional capacity. In other words, we want to initiate scaling-up of the Jenkins agent node pool
before it is actually needed. This will minimize queueing of Jenkins jobs - resulting in faster CI/CD. I referred to this concept in the title of this post as Just-in-Time Autoscaling, a more realistic description may be preemptive autoscaling. Preemptive because we will use priority and preemption Kubernetes scheduling to allow for overprovisioning of lower priority pods that will be preempted to make room for Jenkins agent pod
requests - resulting in scaling-up before we need the additional node capacity for Jenkins agents while still having the immediate required capacity for the Jenkins agent pod
request(s) that triggered the preemptive up-scale. Preemptive autoscaling will help avoid, or at least minimize, the amount of time that any Jenkins job spends in the Jenkins build queue waiting for agents, but still use only the amount of infrastructure needed at any given time - although there are a few caveats to this that we will explore in this post.
Preemptive Autoscaling with Priority
The solution for Just-in-Time or preemptive autoscaling presented in this post depends on the Priority admission controller.
NOTE: The Priority admission controller has been alpha since Kuberentes 1.8, and is beta and enabled by default for Kubernetes 1.11.
The Priority admission controller allows you to add priorityClassName
meta-data to a pod
on creation and prioritize the scheduling of the pods
in the cluster based on the lower or higher priority of other pods
. When high priority pods
are requested in a cluster with the Priority admission controller enabled and there are not enough node
resources to accomodate them - the Kubernetes scheduler will evict lower priority pods
to make room for pending, higher priority pods
. Coupling priority and preemption with the Cluster Autoscaler provides premeptive up-scaling - as lower priority pods
are preempted to make room for higher priority pods
. This results in the Cluster Autoscaler initiating a scale-up to make room for the evicted low priority pods
. These low priority pods
that we want to be preempted for a Jenkins agent pod
request don’t need to do anything except request a certain amount of cluster resources (cpu and memory) and must have a lower priority than the Jenkins agent pods
. Therefore we will utilize special containers called pause containers (read more about pause containers) to create pods
with the sole purpose of consuming a certain amounut of cpu and memory resources to enable a preemptive scale-up of the Jenkins agent node pool
when a Jenkins agent pod
is requested. We will create a Deployment
of low priority pods
using pause containers and with resource quotas and replicas configured and sized appropriately to accomodate one or more Jenkins agent pods
in this example environment.
Enabling the Priority Admission Controller
In part one of this series we saw how to enable an admission controller with kops. The Priority admission controllers will be slightly more involved.
NOTE: Although we will be using kops for the examples in this post, it is worth mentioning that at the time this was published, Azure’s AKS and Amazon’s EKS did not enable or provide a way to enable the Priority Admission Controller - hopefully it is enabled by default once AKS and EKS adopt Kubernetes 1.11. GKE has support for the Priority Admission Controller, but it is only available on alpha clusters at the time of this post.
In addition to adding the Priority
admission controller to the the kubeAPIServer
list like we did for PodNodeSelector
in the first post, we also have to set the PodPriority
feature gate to true
for the kubeAPIServer
, kubeScheduler
and kubelet
. Once againe we will use the kops edit cluster
command to make the changes to the cluster.
- Initializers
- NamespaceLifecycle
- LimitRanger
- ServiceAccount
- PersistentVolumeLabel
- DefaultStorageClass
- DefaultTolerationSeconds
- NodeRestriction
- Priority
- ResourceQuota
- PodNodeSelector
allowPrivileged: true
PodPriority: "true"
insecurePort: 8080
PodPriority: "true"
PodPriority: "true"
Once you have saved the changes you will need to update your cluster - for kops: kops update cluster --yes
. If this is an existing cluster then you will also have to perform a rolling-update: kops rolling-update cluster --yes
NOTE: If you are enabling additional admission controllers on a new cluster you should do it before you apply the configuration or a rolling-update of all of your cluster nodes will be required.
Priority Classes
Now that we have enabled the Priority
admission controller and PodPriority
, we will create two PriorityClasses
. One being utilized as a default for all pods
that don’t specify a PriorityClass
(all of the Jenkins agent pods
) and the other PriorityClass
for the overprovisioned low priority preemptible pods
NOTE: If you don’t specify a
then anypod
that does not specify apriorityClassName
will be assigned a priority value of 0.
kind: PriorityClass
name: default-priority
value: 1
globalDefault: true
description: "Default PriorityClass for pods that don't specify a PriorityClass."
kind: PriorityClass
name: overprovisioning
value: -1
globalDefault: false
description: "Priority class used by overprovisioning."
Size Matters
A key element of Just-in-Time autoscaling is that when an overprovisioned pod
is preempted it leaves enough cpu
and memory
resources so that a Jenkins agent pod
is able to be scheduled on that node
immediately. To figure out the optimum size for the overprovisoned preemptible pod(s) we need to look at both the instance types selected for the Jenkins agent node pool
and the LimitRange
applied to pods
and containers
for Jenkins agent pods
. We set a machineType
of m5.xlarge
for the Jenkins agent node pool
in the first part of this series. An m5.xlarge
has 4 vCPU and 16Gib of memory. Next we have to account for LimitRanges
and in the second part of this series we set Limit Ranges for the pods
and containers
in the Jenkins agent node pool
. We set the minimum cpu
to 0.25 and minimum memory
to 500Mi, and the maximum cpu
to 2 and the maximum memory
to 4Gi for containers
. The maximum for an entire pod
(sum of all containers
in a pod
) was set to 3 cpu
and 8Gi memory
Now that we know the amount of cpu
and memory
that is available for a Jenkins agent node
and the LimitRange
for Jenkins agent pods
we can figure out the sizing for the overprovisoned preemptible pod(s)
. For this example we want to configure the Deployment
so that there is preemptible capacity for either two Jenkins agent pods
with two containers
using the default limits for a total of 1 cpu
and 2Gi memory
OR one Jenkins agent pod
where the default JNLP container
uses the default limits and the second job specific container
(for example maven) uses max limits for a total of 2.25 cpu
and 4.5Gi memory
. We also want to ensure that the overprovisioning Deployment
is able to be scheduled on one node
so that the Jenkins agent node pool
is able to be scaled down to one node
when there are no Jenkins agent requests.
Overprovisioning Deployment
Now that we have figured out the cpu
and memory
requests based on the cpu
and memory
availale on a Jenkins agent node
and the LimitRange
for Jenkins agent pods
, we will create a Deployment
for the preemptible pods
utilizing the special pause containers mentioned above.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: overprovisioning
namespace: jenkins-agents
replicas: 5
run: overprovisioning
run: overprovisioning
priorityClassName: overprovisioning
- name: reserve-resources
cpu: "0.5"
memory: "1Gi"
With 5 replicas
and the above cpu
and memory
request for the pause container
the Deployment
will have a total footprint of 2.5 cpu
and 5Gi of memory
- easily fitting on one Jenkins agent node
as specified for this example environment. Furthermore, by using multiple replicas
we will increase the likelihood of having enough capacity on any up-scaled node
for the largest possible Jenkins agent pod
with 3 cpu
and 8Gi of memory
Update the Cluster Autoscaler Deployment
Finally, to make all of this work, we need to make a minor change to the clusterAutoscalerDeployment.yml
from part two. By default, the Cluster Autoscaler will kill any pods with a priority
less than 0 when scaling down and won’t initiate scale-up for these pods. However, this behavior can be overridden by setting the expendable-pods-priority-cutoff
flag to -1 in this case, to match the overprovisioning PriorityClass
created above. Once those changes are applied to the Cluster Autoscaler Deployment
we will have Just-in-Time autoscaling for our Jenkins agents. We just need to update the command
section of the configuration from the last post with the expendable-pods-priority-cutoff
flag and apply the change:
- ./cluster-autoscaler
- --v=4
- --stderrthreshold=info
- --cloud-provider=aws
- --skip-nodes-with-local-storage=false
- --expendable-pods-priority-cutoff=-1
The following diagrams illustrate four distinct phases of Just-in-Time autoscaling.
1. Initial setup: Kubernetes Just-in-Time Autoscaling - Initial Overprovisioned Pod
Kubernetes Just-in-Time Autoscaling - Full Capacity Node
and triggers an up-scale by the Cluster Autoscaler: Kubernetes Just-in-Time Autoscaling - Preemption and Up-scaling
is request there is a new node with available capacity - Just-in-Time: Kubernetes Just-in-Time Autoscaling - No wait for third agent
NOTE: Although GKE supports both autoscaling and priority/premption you are not able to modify the
flag of the Cluster Autoscaler. To work around this you will have to utilize aPriorityClass
value of 0 for overprovisiong - as that is the default value for the Cluster Autoscaler.
Tradeoffs Between Speed and Cost
Under Utilized Nodes
When there are no agent pods
there will still be at least one un-utilized node
for the overprovisoned preemptible pod(s).
Furthermore, when an up-scale is initiated - a Jenkins agent pod
may never end up on the new node - that is, the Jenkins agent pod(s)
that initiated an up-scale may complete their work and be removed before more additional agent capacity is needed on the new node
and a down-scale occurs before the up-scaled node
is utilized by any Jenkins workload. One way to reduce this is to modify the Cluster Autoscaler scaleDownUnneededTime
flag - by default it is 10 minutes but something lower than that may be more suitable for your CI/CD environment and reduce under utilization of the agent nodes
Faster CI and CD
If you only look at cost from a cloud infrastructure point of view then under-utilized resources are definitely a big drawback of Just-in-Time autoscaling. But if you look at cost relative to the delivery of code to production and, more importantly, delivery of features to customers, then the increased speed may be well worth the additional infrastructure costs to support Just-in-Time autoscaling and faster CI/CD.
Now that we have a robust autoscaling solution for our Jenkins agents in place it is time to change gears a bit and look at securing the Kubernetes cluster where these agents are running. In the next post of the series we will look at pod
security for the Jenkins agents and masters.